fatal flaw in carbon tax, page-20

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "We make our choices as a sovereign nation and other nations make their choices."

    Not exactly... a collection of socialists, stooges, opportunists and looters that have managed to hijack our government have decided... The majority of the Australian people do not want such a stupid/economy destroying insanity as a carbon-dioxide tax/cash-grab to impoverish our economy and turn Australia into an international laughing stock.

    In case you haven't realized it, this is all about carbon-dioxide emitted during a variety of processes as also happens when we breath. It is not pollution.t
    This has nothing to do with what you refer to as " filthy carbon pollution" whatever that is in your fantasy world...

    The Chinese, US and Russians are all laughing at our stupidity and looking for ways to take advantage of the collection of socialist and greenie half-wits we have running our government right now.
    The Chinese will certainly sell us a mass of solar cells and windmills and buy up our mines, farms and inner-city-realestate as we bankrupt ourselves...

    "Who knows what will happen in another three years."
    We will no longer have this socialist government and we will not longer have the insanity of a carbon-dioxide tax/cash grab.
    These outcomes are a certainty.

    "In three years time I am absolutely sure we will have one atmosphere to share among all the species living on this planet"
    I am a bit confused, how many atmospheres do you think we have now?

    "fascists and lefties." are one in the same... Why use a redundant and extra word to describe the same foolishness...

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