Why don't you go to the White House and nick pallet loads of...

  1. 21,693 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Why don't you go to the White House and nick pallet loads of docs, sneak them into different places and hide some that won't be recovered. Then pretend you give them all back and then give some more back and still keep others and have the FBI come politely knocking on your door to say, hey can we please have them back, please, please, Orange God.

    Yeah you would be whining that you have been singled out and been hard done by. Awwww such a victim.
    Then use your victimhood to draw hatred towards the FBI, judicial system. and politcal opponent.

    That's really really disgusting if you look at it for exactly what it is.
    Then consider the Taliban surrender you did, releasing 5,000 enemy combatant prisoners to join the full Taliban force, while leaving half, 2,500 troops behind to protect and evacuate, without consulting your own Department of Defence of Afghan Government.

    You would be a serious threat against National Security, hey?
    If you weren't an Orange God?

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