NEU 0.28% $14.49 neuren pharmaceuticals limited

ajk92: More often than not if the PDUFA date is on a weekend...

  1. 13,050 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 788
    ajk92: More often than not if the PDUFA date is on a weekend they announce it on the Friday. (In reply to "Eagle0")

    Eagle0/all others: I am not so sure why everyone seems to be so nervous?

    hottod already back on March 5th clearly did state the following:

    "If one thinks that this might go right down to the wire, be prepared to wait it out until Tuesday 14 March.

    In instances where an FDA regulatory deadline falls on a weekend, the FDA frequently announces its decision on the following Monday."

    As usual another brilliant post by "hottod", explaining how things work. Thanks "hottod" - for all your postings on NEU (and on other stocks as well!).

    To all NEU holders/buyers: Relax and enjoy your weekend.


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