fear hate racism

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Good morning Posters.

    Don't get confused between fear and hate.

    You may hate what happened.

    You may fear the Future.

    I believe we don't hate Muslims, but we do fear "change" that their culture will bring if not stopped.

    Fear is healthy to a certain extent to your survival.

    Hate is destructive to one's personal well being ,and one's country's people.

    USA Civil War, Sunni and Shiites and the list can go on.

    I find it interesting that pro Muslim posters used the words Hate and Racism to defend their cause.

    I have not noticed any of these posters giving a worthwhile reason to accept their beliefs/ culture.

    When a football team is always on defence, how could they possible kick a goal.

    I will be clear, I don't want Muslim culture here in Australia, it's like mixing oil with Water, no good to everyone.

    I want ALL people to be happy and prosperous in a United Australia, no matter where they come from.

    I am not religious, but from what I read, Muslim clerics and etc preach hate and death.

    Christian Preachers, Preach love and Life.

    Not hard to choose.

    I can handle the word "Racism".

    But "hate" is a word that should never be used.

    Could We Please try not used it?

    No,don't try "DO" as Yoda in Star Wars would say.



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