Have you ever thought about your fears, and how much you spend...

  1. 11,316 Posts.

    Have you ever thought about your fears, and how much you spend to elevate them.

    Fear is the biggest weapon that sales people can use to part you from your money.

    Car / Boat Insurance,fear of having an accident.

    House Insurance, fear of it burning or blowing away in a cyclone.

    Health Insurance , fear of getting sick with no money for Hospital care.

    In North Qld, it gets hot and you would just love to jump in the water to cool off. Love is a very strong emotion.

    But, fear beats it hands down. The fear of Stingers, sharks and crocodiles keep you out.

    Think of all the money you spend on your fear, that may not even happened. We all don't get our house destroyed,and then Insurance company sometimes don't play fair when they do, ( S/E Qld floods ) so could be a waste of money.

    BTW, have you noticed how big and tall Insurance Companies are in your city. There is a good buck in it.

    Now, to the point I am trying to get across to you fearful people on Carbon Tax.

    This is the biggest Insurance scam in our history.We have no real proof that co2 is the cause,if you believe the planet is warming. I suppose it must have warmed a bit naturally since the ice age.

    I haven't heard of scientist discovering old coal power stations with rusty old Ford Falcons and Holden commodores parked outside when the ice age melted, so must have not been man and Mother Nature that caused it.

    But OK, you do believe it's AGW.

    Will taxing a polluter and give it to another polluter make a difference? We are all polluters, the big polluters just make more on our behalf.

    Using fear is the best way to get money out of the people.

    Al Gore, U.N. ,Rudd, Gillard ,Brown and their like are using fear to pull money out of your pockets.

    Do you honestly think that the whole could change and make a difference by taxing them. Let alone just 22million Aussies.

    I could go on and on, but if you have woken up by now that Fear is the Key to your wallet and life style.

    Then keep paying.



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