They save babies weighing anything from 500 grams upwards and...

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    They save babies weighing anything from 500 grams upwards and have had their successes and failures. With time comes greater success, but at massive financial cost. More and more babies being saved, but more importantly, at what cost in terms of physical or intellectual incapacity to the child?

    As far as adults go, Australian Public Hospitals have fairly strict guidelines, especially regarding people in the latter third of life. We are not America, thank God. Over there everything depends on what your private health provider will cover, and bad luck if you can't afford it. Remember someone who'd worked there saying how they saw them just leave people to die - set them outside under a tree.

    Australia has a fairly no nonsense, common sense approach. We fail dismally however in the availability of palliative care and there is a serious lack of hospices for both public and private patients. Nursing Home care is about all that is available for those who are unable to stay at home in their last days of a terminal illness here on the Northern Beaches in Sydney. So wrong, some are very young.
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