federal league tables, page-2

  1. 662 Posts.
    Yep, this is soooooo true. It has happened in England. Education has gone DOWNHILL since these were introduced. It has all been done in UK. All Labors policies here are carbon copies of those in UK. There is no original thought. And what does my head in the most is that the proof is in the pudding in UK, and yet they STILL copy the policies. I just don't get it.
    I was entered for GSCE in English when I was at school, despite being a top student. They wanted to make sure they had a 'pass' on their register, rather than a potentially failed 'O' level (yes, this was a while ago but principle is still the same).... My Mum complained, and I was entered into O level. Only myself and another boy passed. Everyone else failed becasue the teacher only taught ONE book when we were tested on two. I read Wuthering Heights and bought the school notes and did it myself.

    OrgoneAccumulator, I have great respect for you taking a stand for your sons education, and it took me a long time to realise but 'the squeaky wheel gets the oil' so keep in there.

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