BAL 0.00% $13.23 bellamy's australia limited

I feel for those who've lost money. Perhaps there is a lesson...

  1. 1,292 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 234
    I feel for those who've lost money. Perhaps there is a lesson here. Buy & sell on facts. Do not buy or sell based on forum posts, rumour or share price movements.

    I've held BAL since January 2015 & the share price movement at times has not been for the faint hearted. Once the term "white gold" was introduced & BAL was featuring in the media there has been a degree of hype reflected in the share price.

    BAL remains a small, fast growth company & that implies a degree of volatility.

    I disagreed with the posters accusing management of being lazy & that BAL needed to keep the shareholders informed. I further thought that the posting, emailing & phoning was both unnecessary & would fail to prompt BAL to act. Seems I was wrong on both counts & I owe an apology to those who I criticised privately if not publicly.

    The market update of $19 million EBIT exceeded my expectations. Looking forward to the detail provided by the official release.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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