@Joannie - on account of your 'she disgusts me' - I decided to...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 167
    @Joannie - on account of your 'she disgusts me' - I decided to watch "Harry and Meghan" (or Meghan and Harry?) on Netflix last night.
    I, personally, have no great interest in British royalty, think they all look a bit funny in their gear, especially the women in their hats - do they never take a good look at themselves? But I do not see them as parasites - they simply belong to 'their people' and in particular to the news and attending hordes of reporters and clicking cameras. The price they pay for 'privilege' is rather high.
    Who would want that sort of life?
    and: to see your stories, your words distorted, every little detail of your lives commented upon? nowadays it continues onto the various social platforms, which seems to be the platform for opinionated, and where they can be as nasty as they like?

    We are a voracious species, when it comes to news of our 'beloved public figures' - and how they fare under the constant beleagurement of paparazzi (remember Charles' first wife? - they caused her death and no-one has been taken to court for that) does not concern the 'adoring' public one little bit.

    I have always liked Prince Harry - actually I have liked the two princes. My predominant memory is still that of those forlorn sons of Diana trotting behind her coffin, trying to keep from crying, staying just serious - it must have been so hard on them.
    The Queen was an absolute Master at constraining her emotions, maybe a little too much - not sure if I liked her ever, except as a young woman, but I respect her for a job well done. Again, I would have abdicated and allowed my son to become King before he descended into an aging man, who is now dogged by ill health.

    With this young American-African - (almost pure white woman) - I thought that 'finally the Brits are waking up to the fact that they ruled over a multicultural empire and their wealthy classes benefited outrageously firstly from the Slave Trade and secondly from the fruit of the 'Slaves' Labour'. Most of Britain's wealthy can trace it back to Britain's former colonies and the plantations, busily tended by black people. It was, still is, an empire ruling over a predominantly coloured people.

    I think in a way she got the same treatment as Princess Diana did, insofar that the Press singled her out for favourable treatment in the beginning, because she is beautiful, gracious and 'good copy' and her image 'sold', and that ruffled some feathers 'in the firm'. At least that's what I gleaned from my cursory observations and these were confirmed by viewing this film.

    H. & M. seem to share a real love - all the body language is there - and the two kids are gorgeous and 'white' - would you believe. "Lili" (Lilibet) is a 'Spencer' with her red hair and blue eyes, Archie's hair is medium-brown with dark eyes, I think, and he looks like Harry. Neither of the children look like their Mum.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my 2 hours, checking out Meghan and Harry's story - but realised they are still living a privileged life, once they get the 'Press' off their backs. None of your 9-5 slavery away from home at some job or activity you just do for a living - and 'friends' who give you a house to live in, plus a Nanny for the kids - and they have 2 dogs and in one shot, Harry, who gets around barefoot mostly, plants a kiss on the forehead of one of the dogs and I don't think he did it for the camera. Grandma (Meghan's Ma), who is a real dear and a lady, is spending a lot of time with them, too, and Harry treats her really well.
    Harry, Esqu. (I guess he is no longer a 'prince') is a thoroughly nice, handsome and spontaneous man - good luck to him as a 'private citizen' of the U.S.A - his problem will eventually be, to become relevant in some genuine professional activity - he has only 'trained' for the military.

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