@Joannie - I just said good-bye to my piano tuner - he was here...

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    @Joannie - I just said good-bye to my piano tuner - he was here almost all day, I fed him lunch, lots of talk, but he did a brilliant job on the piano, now I will really play it - it's got a bright and brilliant sound. I also asked him about 'the 40 Hz thing' and he knew about it, has a friend who knows all about it . . .
    he listens to it every night for good sleep. He himself seems to have been a hyper-active child.
    And he offered to come back regularly to keep my beautiful piano tuned. I no longer have an excuse for not playing it, will go through all my sonatas again - and - maybe learn some jazz. too.

    Re the sound-healing: apparently the really serious 'stuff' which heals, is in the lower tone ranges of about A7.83 Hz, that is sound which you can no longer hear. "They" are now doing experiments (and have written long papers on it) about using it in Alzheimers - seems those frequencies 'melt away' the ameloyds, which is the sticky stuff, which blocks brain connectors and causes Alzheimers, dementia etc.

    I have discovered you can download the 4 Hz one onto your mobile, via the apps section, doesn't cost anything and you can have it on all night.
    Even though I sleep well now, I'll try it out. The app is called: Frequency Oscillator and it is usually set at 436 Hz - and its free. I am going to try it tonight and leave it on all night to check if it uses up my allowance. According to 'Bill' it doesn't - he's got it too and sets it nightly.

    My now deceased daughter experimented with sound healing in her youth - she used to go over to France to study with a gentleman called 'Fabien Maman' an instrument called 'Monochord' but lost interest and took it no further, however, she did purchase a monochord. The instrument (and she) were hired for the sound effects in the Lord of the Ring series.


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