Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-106597

  1. 18,348 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    @Joannie - I listen to the daily news on Radio national every morning, so by the time I get on HC i am well inoculated against the misery, which seems to be the bread-and-butter of news services - humanity is a fierce tribe, and it is easy to get discouraged. All you can really do, is make sure your little corner of the world is alright - and there is a lot of 'stuff' which is alright, except it isn't newsworthy, hence we are sometimes overwhelmed with bad news and either grow a hard skin, or it affects us.
    The birds still sing, the sun still shines (more rain please!!) - people still smile at you if you smile first - all those common-place things are holding true for our corner of the world -
    As a teenager i had to deal with the revelation that 'my people' (not my family, they were victims themselves) were involved in horrific crimes against a people, one of whom had become my first boyfriend, and it was overwhelming to face evil, which was so personal, the 'bad people' spoke my beloved language! - I had my first crisis on this confrontation with man's inhumanity to man at such a young age. Maybe it was a good thing for me to get that shock, because little surprises me now, except the fact that despite all the horrors, diseases, unkindness, we are still a thriving species - 9 billion of us - when originally we were a tiny band of wanderers out of Africa.

    So our personal problems are really nothing when compared to what is going on now on the world stage - but all our body system are geared towards the personal and it is difficult to make that distinction - except in an intellectual way.

    I better shut up, but someone will tell me so anyway !! !
    Now lets hear the music I have found for you, dear JoJo!

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