@Joannie - it seems very quiet in the lounge - I have been busy,...

  1. 18,355 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    @Joannie - it seems very quiet in the lounge - I have been busy, finally doing 'office work' - my Mirena implant has not only given me better skin (and I didn't even know I had 'bad skin'!) but also more energy and a positive outlook!

    The reason I had the implant - and this might interest the ladies on here, that is, if any read me (redface.png) :

    . . . it was a chance discovery during an X-ray of my urinary workings etc. that my doctor discovered that my endometrium was a little too thick and the gynaecologist I was referred to, (top man in his profession! but wanting to operate!!) told me I needed a hysterectomy. I balked at the idea and he then suggested the implant, because what had made the endometrium walls grow was an imbalance in my hormones, i.e. too much estrogen and not enough progesterone. The Mirena Implant (and it is tiny!) releases tiny amounts of progesterone in the area where needed.

    The actual 'operation' was a cinch - I had no after effects - just a really nice experience in the hospital with all the staff and my doctors, (but I do have private health insurance), being helpful and full of good humour.

    As I said, dear JoJo, the difference in energy, sleep quality, mood, general outlook, skin was noticeable from the first day - and it keeps on keeping on.
    I am amazed - also my appetite has changed and I suspect I might lose a few pounds as well.

    BTW both women AND men, need progesterone for various functions in the human body, which is a miracle of interconnecting systems.
    Go well

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