Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-107151

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 680
    I was so sad to hear about that lovely Dr. We had watched quite a few of his films over the years.
    He was such a lovely man and a legend with the challenges, which he undertook.

    Penny, I know this is an intrusive question and I apologise. No need to answer of course.
    But if you feel able, when was your dear husband diagnosed with cancer?
    Did he have the covid vaccinations?
    There are an awful lot of people with cancer and other awful illnesses due to the vaccine.

    We do not know anyone who has not had covid vaxed or not, except us!
    In 2020, I read that taking 2000iu of Vitamin D3 and the same of Vit C plus zinc daily, could protect you from Covid.
    We did as above. I ordered mine from herb who are very reasonable, plus we are taking several other vitamins to boost our immune system, hopefully.

    Please everyone, don’t shout me down, but I have read enough over several days to sadly understand that the whole damn thing was a set up by the World Health Organisation WHO and the World Economic Forum WEF.
    I know this may sound crazy, but now there is so much evidence to prove this, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    It was the vax that made people sick, simply that. All part of a plan cooked up in Geneva by Dr Fauci, Bill Gates so on and so forth.
    To wipe out populations.
    Now they are preparing to frighten us all to death with The Bird Flu, another bloody pack of lies. They already have made the vaccinations and MSM the corrupt Government and Big Pharma are ready to strike again.
    I hope that this time, most people are finally suspicious enough to stand up for their rights.

    Yes, we were fooled and now I realise why my health has got worse and worse. After my last covid jab in December, I came out with a very scary rash, it was worse on my right arm.I will put a picture up in a minute. My GP looked at it and I think he knew, but tried to poo poo it, by saying oh well, you do have a few broken blood vessels on your face, which is true, but they were from when I previously smoked.

    The final awakening was when I had another flu injection about 3 weeks ago, since then I have got weaker and weaker and could no longer do the 1-2000 steps on my walker, which I had built myself up to.

    But the good news is that it is possible to start to ward off cancer and other evils, by taking the vitamins above.

    Since I figured this all out, I have been on the thread Covid 19 and the vaccine. I have been given a really hard time tbh. Because now I do understand that the anti vaxers were vilified by all and sundry, so their hackles are up like porcupines, but I persevered through abuse and used the opportunity to watch many videos, which are normally hidden from MSM by the orders of THE ESTABLISHMENT.

    I hope you do not think that I have lost the plot here. You can take what I say with a pinch of salt if you like.
    But I am 100% convinced.

    Take care all Jo Jo.
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