Hi Jo JoCould not be bothered with that survey, had a quick look...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Hi Jo Jo
    Could not be bothered with that survey, had a quick look at the discussion paper and don't see anything that concerns me.

    Covid rattled a lot of people, most of us had never lived through anything remotely like it and it sparked off a lot of, misinformation, disinformation and conspiracies. Most notably the anti-vaxer went all out, should note I hate getting needles

    Seems like a lot of the anti-vaxxer have forgotten that most of us have had a heap of vaccines, in fact there are quite a few that are given to infants up to the age of 5. Until more recently few people questioned those vaccines which are more or less mandatory, not completely compulsory but if you choose not to have your child vaccinated you don't get certain benefits and the child can be excluded from schools and such.

    You are not forced to have vaccines, however vaccines are often a requirement to travel to certain places ect ect. I expect you had to have certain vaccines when coming to Australia, so you had the choice to have those vaccines or not but of course if you chose not to you could not have come here

    Before my grandson was born I was told that I would have to have a whooping cough vaccine to see my grandson, I could have chosen not to but then I would have had to weight until he was 10 weeks old to see him. My first thought was this is crazy, I didn't have to get a whooping cough vax when my son was born. The I learned that people had become complacent with whooping cough and not getting vaxxed so whooping cough had re emerged and since new born babies are at the most risk of whooping cough they recommend any adults that are going to be with the baby in the early weeks be vaccinated

    It seem from what I read in the discussion paper that since Covid for a number of reasons vaccination rates have declined and that is what is being addressed.

    We have a long history of vaccinations and I think that is taken for granted given some diseases have been eradicated and many, many are now quite rare due to vaccines. I would never suggest to anyone that they should avoid those vaccines.

    One argument about the Covid vaccines is that it was developed to quick and not enough testing done. Yes it was developed quickly, there was an unprecedented urgency to do so. But I am not convinced enough testing was done, in fact if you look at just how the vaccine was developed and tested you will see it was quite comprehensive. I don't under estimate the capabilities of the scientist, medical experts an technology that we have.

    Like all vaccines and medicines there can be adverse reactions and side effects, these are become apparent in the testing stage and as long as they are not serious or wide spread the benefits would weigh the negatives.

    Now the idea that the covid vaccine is to blame for all there complication I am not so sure about, some I would say is coincidental but of course some people will use it to push the anit-vax ideology.

    I have to wonder if there is any argument to suggest we would have got through the covid pandemic without the vaccine, would we be better off now if that was the case? Hard to say now but given what we went through would it be worth the risk next time?

    We hear of people who have supposable bad reaction to the covid vaccine, I wonder what % they are compared to the % of people that have not had a bad reaction.

    The internet is a wonderful think, if you believe some thing is true you can find a heap of stuff to back up and confirm what you believe is true. People do that all the time

    What people don't do is to search the internet to find stuff that disproves what they believe, such is human nature.

    BTW I am told that if you mix up some bicarb soda, Epsom salt, extra virgin olive oil and just a few drops of cider vinegar into a paste. Place it on a band-aid on the spot you got vaxxed it will disable the 5G microchip
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