Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-14478

  1. 41,275 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    was it near Mongarlo:
    have not been that way for yonks:
    email me the detail;
    have an agent/mechanicl/hunter/and an old flame on the districk?
    its a hard place its in a rain shaddow:
    but is rapidly growing as the main blood line for the nig nogs that live in th ACT to go and get their jollies down on the coast twice a year
    problem is the trmack is becomming a squishing ground and happy hunting ground for the boys in blue:
    you are better off,,if you can and lucky enough to find a place in the
    this Link

    or a quick gander at this link

    but have to warn you..it was once diff:
    now if you burp there it hots the local rag the next day:
    and greenies get shot on sight:
    it is also a location where the ADF do shoosten bang test with blanks:
    drove down there in about 1987 and out of the forrest came a troop
    ( well they though it funny,,and emptied a full mag of blanks at me...
    i had no choice but to counter with the only thing that i had,,was a small 2kg axe,,
    I had though that there was an invasion: little knowing that bored tropers thought they would have a laugh)
    escaped a life sentence;;when the Serg maj: ran up and poitend a propper shoosten bang at me and said:::
    mate sorry about that,,we are just on a traing thingy:
    so i got the lads to give me their spent belts of plastic ammo: and ahve them still in some box to this very day...

    mind you burnt the undies that i wore that day:
    thats a scribbler by some yank
    BTW it was THE place for blue meanies



    this is closer to you neck of the woods mate an only a few hours from me

    you are in a top spot why would you want to move:
    Consuella would go balmy trying to find all the missing chairs

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