NBD - if it made you feel better, it's worthwhile to complain,...

  1. 18,388 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    NBD - if it made you feel better, it's worthwhile to complain, otherwise I am not a complainer - it's just the way things develop, everywhere. Along comes a new broom, perhaps in the shape of a new mayor, or even a new political party, sometimes it needs revolution - but we are nowhere near that yet - but change does happen, sometimes for the better, sometimes for worse.

    It is pretty obvious to me, especially when I return to my native country, or even England, which I visit every 4 years or so, how things change. Even people change, fashion changes - a house my husband renovated with great care and which I sold and left 13 years ago, has now been razed and been replaced by an ugly concrete structure.

    There is nothing more certain in life than the fact that things do change, including us.
    complain, throw a tantrum, watch the commotion after you have thrown a tantrum, but don't expect better treatment, but it will make YOU feel better . . .

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