Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-22913

  1. 18,363 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    you mean did I use words of more than one syllable. Yes. I unfortunately acquired two nicknames when at school. Dictionary was one - gifted to me when I was about seven because apparently my vocabulary was prodigious. The other that I was stuck with was smiley. Because I rather enjoy smiling. There are many things that can bring a smile to ones face. thank goodness for that.

    I’m not sure that responding to you is arrogance though I enjoy the debate. It’s rather that if you will insist on making generalisations or assumptions including about me then I think it’s ok to respond. So if you tell me I know nothing about aged care don’t be surprised if I give you a bit of missing data. That’s not arrogance or insecurity - and the only way it could be interpreted that way is if you prefer females to be silent or stupid or both

    I heard a beautiful description the other day from a man who works with abusive men. He described it thus

    women don’t seem to understand that men have buttons all over them. Lots of them. women have a knack of pushing them. when they do that it sets off a response. If they push one button it causes the hand to come up in a punching motion that can somehow connect with a women’s face. Other buttons can lead to the hands springing into a strangling motion. Yet others activate the legs or the mouth.

    it suddenly made so much sense. So sorry if I accidentally from a distance pressed a button. I have noticed that there are others on this board who have also pressed buttons but I just won’t shut up will I?

    anyway by now the tone of the thread is somewhat sullied so have a good night all.

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