extrapolation[ɪkstrapəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]NOUNextrapolations (plural...

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    extrapolations (plural noun)
    1. the action of estimating or concluding something by assuming that existing trends will continue or a current method will remain applicable.
      "sizes were estimated by extrapolation" · "caution is advised in the interpretation and extrapolation of results" · "the figure is an extrapolation from prior data"
      • mathematics
        the extension of a graph, curve, or range of values by inferring unknown values from trends in the known data.
        "extrapolation of the logarithmic curve yielded an estimate of 66 species"
    [ɪkˈstrapəleɪt, ɛkˈstrapəleɪt]

    1. extend the application of (a method or conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable.
      "the results cannot be extrapolated to other patient groups" · "it is always dangerous to extrapolate from a sample"
      • estimate or conclude (something) by extrapolating.
        "the figures were extrapolated from past trends"
      • mathematics
        extend (a graph, curve, or range of values) by inferring unknown values from trends in the known data.
        "the low-temperature results can be extrapolated to room temperature" · "a set of extrapolated values"
        ORIGINlate 19th century: from extra-‘outside’ + a shortened form of interpolate.

        Interpolation of the PowBeep Sheeps

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