Owls have a heart rate of 300-600 beats per minute.One...

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    Owls have a heart rate of 300-600 beats per minute.


    One adaptation that may not be as well known is their high heart rate, which ranges from 300-600 beats per minute. A normal human heart rate ranges between 60-100 beats per minute.

    One reason for the higher rate in owls is their constant need to maintain warmth by regulating their body temperature through cooling down or warming up feathers.


    Owls have over 200 bones in their body.

    Owls are incredible creatures with a surprising number of bones in their body. The bones in an owl’s wings make up only 2% of the wing’s total weight, but they provide a crucial amount of support for flight. An owl has more than 200 different types of bone that account for about 9% of its total body weight.


    The Northern Pygmy Owl is the cutest owl out there!

    The Northern Pygmy Owl has a heart shaped face, making it the cutest owl out there! The little pygmy is native to Canada and Alaska and can often be found in forests near rivers or lakes



    The Elf Owl, is the smallest species of owl on earth.

    The Elf Owl, is the smallest species of owl on earth. They are typically 5-6 inches tall and have a wingspan of about 10-11 inches with an average weight of 1.5 ounces (42.5 grams).

    They live in both South America and North America. It can be found living on plantations, orchards, parks and gardens where it eats insects like crickets, moths and beetles.


    Owls can’t move their eyes.

    Owls are known for their round, bulging eyes. But what you may not know is that they cannot move their eyes in their sockets, and so they have to turn their heads to look around.

    Owls have asymmetrical ears to help them locate prey with sound.

    Owls are nocturnal predators and rely on their sense of hearing to locate prey. The asymmetrical ears, one is larger than the other, provide a broader range of sound detection which aids in locating potential food sources or prey.

    Owls have incredible hearing ability

    Owls have the best hearing of any animal. They can hear a mouse moving on the ground, or an insect rustling in leaves from up to two miles away. This is because owls have asymmetrical ears and three separate ear openings for better directional hearing.

    In contrast, humans have symmetrical ears with only one opening per ear that points forward and to each side, limiting our ability to detect sounds coming from behind us.



    Owls have 3 eyelids.

    Owls have 3 eyelids. These three lids are the nictitating membrane, a thin layer of tissue that protects the eye from dust and injury; the cornea, which is responsible for about two-thirds of an owl’s vision; and finally, a third lid called the haw. The owls use their haw to protect their eyes while they’re hunting prey in close quarters like tree branches or deep crevices.

    Owls live in all parts of the world except for Antarctica.

    Owls are found in all parts of the world except for Antarctica. This is because owls cannot live in a place where they do not have any trees to roost on, and there are no trees on the Antarctic continent. These nocturnal birds of prey have a wide variety of habitats, including deserts, forests, and even rainforests.

    The biggest owl is Blakiston’s Fish Owl.

    The biggest owl in the world is Blakiston’s Fish Owl, measuring 25-28 inches in length and weighing an average of 7.5 pounds, with a 6 ft wingspan.

    They live near large bodies of water and feed on fish, crustaceans, amphibians, small mammals and reptiles. Blakiston’s Fish Owls are found near large bodies of water like lakes or rivers.


    Owls hooked beaks to help them rip flesh from their prey.

    Owls don’t have teeth, but they do have hooked beaks to help them rip flesh from their prey. These beaks are so sharp that some owls can tear the feathers off of their prey with just one swipe. The beak is used like a knife as it cuts through the meat and pulls it back out.


    Smallest owl in the world


    The diminutive Whitney's elf owl, Micrathene whitneyi, is a common resident of the riparian areas of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. It is the smallest owl found in the world and shares the title as the world's lightest owl weighing a mere 1.4 ounces
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