Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-71214

  1. 18,352 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Hi @kingpins - what else is this thread for, except to show off a little? - or at least to show our lifestyle - and perhaps include a lesson or two, good or bad - as the case may be.
    Bravo: 85 and still fit - that is an achievement. I recently saw a photo of an elderly acquaintance on Facebook. He is probably older than you, he was dressed in a red dinner jacket and he looks terrific. He has a face full of character - he had a hard life - but still has wife and family around him, which helps IMO.

    What I found in this last year - and I am closer in years to your age group than the rest of this sprightly group on here - that I didn't even think much about health or activity until I lost my daughter earlier this year and all that mourning etc. made me ill; - but I have since recovered and you are right, regular exercise in the morning, an interest in things, above all a project or two which keeps you busy is the secret - perhaps not to longevity - but to a fulfilling and healthy life.

    I have written a book in the last year or so (70 000 words) and I am looking for a publisher now, but if not, the exercise was totally interesting - and I have become interested in subjects which I wouldn't have touched before in my wildest dreams, or would have found boring - so I surprised myself - so that exercise has been good for my feeling of 'self', acceptance that there are so many things I can still learn and do - curiosity being a powerful means to stay young IMO.

    Swimming: I am sorry I moved away from the beach; I had plans to instal a swimming pool here but the trees - the trees, they drop things all year round - so no pool - but will perhaps this year begin swimming at the local (indoors) swimming pool. I do all my housework and some gardening as well.
    Yes, talking about oneself is like an ad, but I think it is important to talk about ourselves just for us, and other people as well - especially because we cannot see our conversation partners. Thanks for telling us a little about you!
    Take care

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