Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-88336

  1. 18,365 Posts.
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    Dear JoJo @Joannie
    firstly - your home here in Perth is lovely, you simply have a nasty neighbour - I think I would have done him some damage, had he poisoned one of my pets - at least I would have given him a piece of my mind, he wouldn't easily forget - but I am a 'wog' we are good at that (haha!!!)

    - as far as Australians as neighbours go?? I have always gotten on well with my/our neighbours, now I recently found out that my kindly 'Italian' guy next door - who a few years ago asked me could he please fix the chicken wire fence to separate our properties onto my side of the huge river gums which stand right in the middle, because his was too messy - I said yes - now claims that bit of extra land as 'his'. He recently talked about all of that as 'his land' when I suggested where the border is - I am totally disappointed, but didn't say anything but no longer do the nice chatty thing with him, I am also not going to engage an expensive surveyor to check this out, as my land is big enough to accommodate the loss of a few more centimeters - it's probably not more than 10m2 I am losing and I have a total of 2060m2 - land is still divisible.

    My good friend P. (who was in real estate, and apparently if I let sleeping dogs lie, after a few years those few m2 will become his) told me he knows a friendly surveyor, who could check this out for a good price - unfortunately P. forgets his promises, borrowed books etc.

    I am really disappointed with my neighbour, we were on such good terms - this is something I would never do - it is quite mean and he already has a block that's larger by about 60m2 than mine. I even taught their eldest daughter piano for a year for free, it was a hard slog, because she has no innate musicality - but my teaching got her into a good stream at school.
    Officially we are still on good terms, but I learnt something 'again' about humans; 'don't expect too much, be surprised and grateful if they are kind and fair'.

    Well, I better be leaving - and pls. dear JoJo: discuss your suspicion with a medical person - illness is not only what you suffer, but you also impose your suffering on your partner and relatives and friends who love you!!!

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