Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-105624

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    @TesterWA Mine is a special 'Cajun'-type recipe, fairly spicey, no spaghetti, not oily, a mix of seafoods; mussels, and small octopus rings, small prawns, bits of meaty fish - and I usually add a few extras.
    I had a Marinara platter once in a high-class restaurant in Rome, when I had to spend a day there to await my train to Vienna - and it turned out to be raw seafood, arranged by size on a large silver platter, and they served oil with it and their yummy bread. It cost all the cash I had on me; so I diligently worked my way through the various, still in their shells little cockles, mussles etc. and it had absolutely no flavouring except the fresh taste - plus I think there were some lemon slices alongside, as well as olives. TBH I was a bit disappointed.
    I remember this day to my dying day - I managed to find a willing Roman with transport who drove me through the streets and parks of Rome and it was the day that Italy had won the Soccer World Cup (Italy -v- Germany), in July of 1982. People were walking around with their little radios pressed to their ears, smiling, talking to total strangers. It was wonderful, only my escort was disappointed when he realised I was leaving at 5 pm. He had the grace to take me to the railway station. Italians are tops!!
    It was also the last time I saw my mother alive, but she was in hospital and I came to be there with here for a few weeks - she recovered, but died the next year during an operation and I again travelled to Europe, this time with a heavy heart to finalise things, tie up the bundle which made up my childhood and youth and return to the home of my choice.
    Go well

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