@Joannie oh those lost earrings! I remember running (in heels!)...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 154
    @Joannie oh those lost earrings! I remember running (in heels!) all the way from where today is the ASX up to the Perth rail station scouring the ground, looking for a lost earring. When I think about it, what a silly idea, but it was a gift from my mother - I then got back to the office, totally exhausted and there it was on the shelf where I kept the computer precedents, (on those old-fashioned floppy disks, if anyone remembers them) - I've still got them, my second ever pair of earrings, bought by my darling Mum for me.
    The first set were given to me as a 3-year old, tiny turquoise stones set in the shape of forget-me-nots. I lost them whilst paddling in a muddy pond shared with ducks and geese - it came loose, fell into the water and I watched a goose pick it up and swallow it. I was so angry, told my aunt who didn't believe me.
    My first ever confrontation with people who I had told the truth and they didn't believe me. I loved my aunt, but remembered that smart to my childish sense of 'honour' for years. Funny that. I recently saw an identical (and antique, like me what.png) set on German E-bay, was very tempted to purchase it, but then realised how silly it was and that I wouldn't wear them, I do, however love Turquoise as a stone.

    Need to get back to a video about selling on Amazon - I still haven't got the book 'properly' on Amazon, it is showing as "The Very Secret Life of NoBoDe" but no way can you buy it; because it's got 'not available' on it, or similar.

    My new friend wants me to write his life's story, but though he is interesting, he hasn't done anything as interesting as the beautiful paintings (and quirky poems) our friend @NoBoDe has done, so I would need to find an angle. Too many other things to do anyway.

    Maybe I'll check which poems I have collected and put some on here - I do have @NoBoDe's permission to do so. He is o.k., just healing very slowly!
    Have a nice weekend all

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