@Joannie - sorry about your cold - I had a tough time over a...

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    @Joannie - sorry about your cold - I had a tough time over a whole week around Easter, for obvious reasons, but later realised, I was also battling a cold - all good now - wearing warmer clothes in bed now, as it is a bit cooler at night.
    At the moment I am only taking my one medication per day (Valsartan), concentrating on good food, not too much - and using my 'shaking platform' daily
    (you stand on this rocking platform and can do gentle exercises on it - I just do stretching, bends, half-squats, but hang on to the wall for that) - and look after my skin. Have received my wonderful 'Weleda" skin lotions again (made in Switzerland, holistic products made by the founders of the Steiner Schools [my grand kids had their primary education at a Steiner School here in Perth]) and I carefully apply it every day. I think it makes a difference. Strange that my Mum used the same product and I never gave it as much as a glance for all these years. I get them via E-bay from Melbourne and they are reasonably priced, too - and they are made without animal testing.

    Pls report on the success or otherwise of Vit B1 -

    My new 'musical' friend is back from Ireland and I get a daily dose of music - interesting stuff, but I am amazed how much music there is around and how much of it is this heart-rending 'woe-is-me' stuff - one should think we are living in a world where few people are really badly off and yet the secret of happiness eludes so many.
    So sad!
    But I have taken up 'music' again - have done some singing exercises today and as from next week, once my piano is tuned, I will go back to play my classical stuff on that, scales and all. The new piano tuner sounds an absolute character on the phone - he is originally American, but has adapted to the Aussie accent in a truly charming way.

    P.S. I did some checking on 'Temu' on a German site; seems they are not o.k. ethically and environmentally - based in China; some of their sellers use 'slave' labour - the system is similar to Amazon. Apparently some of their electronic things are dodgy, because they don't comply with European standards.
    I am 'weaned' - have spent a total of about $300 - and half of the goods ended up recycled - one dress, one blouse need major alteration, material non-recyclable. Still expecting some garden lights, curlers. Pretty pictures on skinny, 18-year old Asian girls, which seduce one to buy.
    Well, I live and learn - it's never-ending.
    Good day in the market today . . .
    Go well ❤️

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