Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-57659

  1. 41,262 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    10000000 mad.png
    trying to get reply to work in a post is a true hit an miss
    and it is often far easier to just tag
    so @Parsifal

    after having to reload HC from scratch took the precaution of saving post
    as post icon just went into a perpetual spin like a merigo round at an old blighty pier

    I remember reading once some place in the good book,
    that when things were getting to the end of a thing that strange and interesting things would
    increase,and no amount of setting days off to do nothing and odd and strange national laws would
    do diddle squate to abate such events...

    This got me thinking
    How more and more these days we get fed mashed Couscous in the media,
    we get plastered with inane bull shit about who is rooting who in the gov,both in actual
    and in the political,we get fed fasion,and sport,and who loves who on waht TV show,
    `some saw a shark at a beach,a little lost dog got found, the police made a huge raid
    and confiscated a bread knife,and P plater was nabbed doing all of 130kph,,on the moterway,
    and the M4 has a traffic delay,,,
    but we are no longer told the news of signs that could be vital to know of
    granted some may be overdone, even CGIed to gain ooootoob browny points
    but I havebe making is a side mission to monitor the increases in such activity
    and other stats asociated with them and after doin some vetting
    wil intend to start a thread in General, oohhh I dont know

    `This Missed the News"

    and time/date stamp them
    but have spent the day doing some very deep reading,so will pause my rant here

    Parsi hoping your finger is better
    and to all the rest of you I trust and hope had a nice Saturday


    Re:as post icon just went into a perpetual spin like a merigo round at an old blighty pier

    come and play the HC Penny Arcade

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