Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-76340

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    Eskimo” Words for Snow
    qaniksnow in the air
    1aputsnow on the ground
    2fukpa’dsnow that is of an ideal consistency for procreation, being of a perfect consistency for comfortable fornication and not so cold that your balls could stick
    3tla’papapsurprisingly large snowflakes that make a sound upon landing
    4likipapsnow used for making whale-flavored snow treats
    5tipipdull, annoying snow
    6kipipdepressing snow
    7blosh’ksnow that has been stained by polar bear ejaculate
    8blosh’puksnow that has been mixed with whale goo, forming an incredibly solid and slippery puck. The puck itself is called a blosh’puk’apuk; it is used in games of Eskimo hockey, which take place over many miles of open ice and typically last for days with no discernible point or reason. Many of the players get lost and die from exposure
    9pisspaqyellow, foul-smelling snow that should not be eaten
    10klee’eep!unknown snow, or a type of snow that has not yet been named (typically inducing mild panic followed by concerned pointing)
    11waquita naturally formed ball of snow used to facilitate the act of self-pleasure among male Eskimos of all ages (but more so among teens)
    12wiliwipsnow used for making recreational snowballs
    13kiliwipsnow used for making lethal snowballs
    14tagqugsnow that is coveted or secretly desired, and that does not belong to the person eyeing the snow
    15miaputliterally “my snow on the ground” (a word often used during territorial disputes, particularly when building igloos on what may be someone else’s land)
    16br’r’r’putunnaturally cold snow
    17qipipupa body of snow in the shape of an object
    18kripiqupa body of snow in the shape of an animal
    19silipipa body of snow in the shape of something mildly humorous or rude (such as tits or buttocks)
    20talpuksnow that reminds the observer of snow seen many years ago, typically during childhood
    21ghup’kiksnow that reminds the observer of snow seen in a dream
    22nap’papsnow seen in a dream
    23wikipedapsnow that holds a wealth of information, some of it poorly sourced
    24na’pantipopsnow that settles upon the lap of a kayaking Eskimo, either melting or freezing the rower’s balls to his seat
    25cak’bloksnow that has frozen around a pile of old caribou shit
    26cak’shlopsnow that slowly melts upon a pile of freshly steaming caribou shit
    27ba’qamutikthe best type of snow for dogsled races, joyriding and quick getaways
    28tah’qimmiqsnow that husky dogs are attracted to for no obvious reason
    29boo’boo’naqinaqa special type of snow that only falls upon sad Eskimo women
    30miqsnow given as a gift to the mother of an Eskimo girl after the successful arrangement of the girl’s marriage to a man she may or may not know
    31puk’punkvandalized snow, normally defaced by graffiti
    32ooo’pipsnow that reflects the Aurora Borealis
    33ipi’angakkuqsnow the local shaman has declared to be evil or cursed
    34syizzleacid snow
    35blip’aputsnow that is less than one foot deep
    36well’aputsnow that is more than one foot deep but not deep enough to reach the chin
    37woppa’aputf*ing deep snow
    38mega’aputimplausibly deep snow that reaches almost mythological proportions (some Eskimo’s define mega’aput as being “twenty whales deep”)
    39chiki’piqsirpoqlight snow that drifts along the ground and rises up beneath the skirts of Eskimo women, causing them to giggle or blush
    40bloq’fukheavy snow that seriously screws up an Eskimo’s TV signal, making him miss his favorite reality TV show or sports broadcast
    41miliplipincredibly fine snow that falls from the sky and tickles the face, often causing a sneezing fit
    42blab’gobsnow shoved into the mouth of a person who simply won’t stop talking
    43luna’aputsnow that falls directly from the surface of the moon
    44wackdi’whoawhipa special type of snow used as a filter in Eskimo whale-cock bongs
    45neepwhimsical, poetic or fairytale snow
    46snow’aputforeign snow, or snow thrown at tourists
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