Feel Better:Complain About Anything, page-1321

  1. 41,272 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Have to complain,,,was in the big smoke the other day,and just for fun went to the golden arches,
    and for those not aware,there was an April fools joke that back fired,when the Golden Arches
    put out an add,for an all pickle and cheeze burger,
    ,so went in with a straight face and ordered 10,
    the lady had to go see the managersss,
    and the manageresss did not have a clue,,,,
    so instead ordered a BigMick, with 4x extra pickles,
    and when it turned up,,opened it ( that is why you never go through, the drive through)
    and there was about 10 bits o onion,and a few limp bits of lettuce,,,
    so said,,this dont look like the pic, would you be so kind as to fix it please,or NBD wants a refund,,,
    well got it back so piled with all the goodies that it tasted like the ones of old,,,,
    that needed two habds to hold,,,even though the Golden Arches vehemently claim that thier current one are the same sioze
    well NBD says codswollop to that,,,,
    any way,,,, here is a chap that had had enough

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