big e et al: we are getting philosophical on this thread, aren't...

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    big e et al:
    we are getting philosophical on this thread, aren't we? Had occasion yesterday to 'tell some tales' and they were the more hilarious ones, like my tall and handsome husband of yore walking a large white cat on a leash through an outback country town - when we were taking our little family of 6 (humans plus cat) across the width of Australia from New South Wales into Western Australia. ....

    Unfortunately we lost 'cat' when we decided to have a break and a swim at a little lake somewhere in the never-never between two states along the great Western Road which leads out from Sydney and in Sydneytown is known as Parramatta Road - in my day a pretty horrible and polluted road, but leads into the beautiful Hinterland of New South Wales.

    t. and I flopped down, went for a swim and the children decided to take catty along for a walk and lost him. We were bereft, spent the next half day looking for him, then had to move on to find a caravan park to spend the night. Thus was lost a unique animal, which with good foresight we had had fixed', so no wild kittens sprang from his loins - and hopefully he found some new humans, as he was smart and a beautiful pure-white.

    this is a long time ago and I cherish the memories of the human who walked with me for a long time, but no longer have pain or regret - after the sadness, I was angry for a while that 'he' left - but we have little choice over departure dates - and a good thing it is - and it was for him, also.

    We essentially remain the same, but it seems we have to go through some earthly fires of purification, melting and re-blending the original - often many times over - and it is with some surprise we still find our childhood selves in amidst the trials, tribulations and memories. and with luck we find another to mirror our selves in and allow him/her to mirror his self in us - thus finding 'the truth' - or whatever . . . . If not, being the social creatures we are, there are always those moments we find ourselves with strangers whom we can talk to and listen to and learn and teach also - which moments become magnified in our memories and fixed, thus also precious.

    Aww - here I go again - I was only going to say, sorry, I haven't got much time atm - even today, as I am going out again later, but just wanted to say 'hello' to everyone on here!

    Madam Tau

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