The sad truth is that much of of humanity's mal adaptive...

  1. 422 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 72
    The sad truth is that much of of humanity's mal adaptive behaviour is driven by deep psychological scars.
    And Israel is no exception.
    1000 Years of persecution and pogroms culminating in the Holocaust have given the Israeli nation the psyche of the the traumatised battered child.
    Isolated, defensive, angry, bursting with a desire for revenge that it cannot take and prone to lashing out at even the mildest critique.
    Unwilling to examine its own faults.
    It then has its own children.
    Who it proceeds to batter and dehumanise over 70 years.
    Because it feels sooo good to be the one with power doesn't it after all those awful years of being scared , having to justify oneself, hiding ones identity , trying to integrate being damned whatever you did. Being hunted, murdered.
    Well now the child has the gun and by hell he's going to use it..

    The saddest thing about all this is that the Nazis actually achieved their aims.
    They achieved their aim of making Europe - and particularly Eastern Europe- largely "Juden Frei" and destroying most traces of Yiddish culture there.
    They destroyed the humanity and richness of Jewish life and culture in Europe and the Middle East.
    It was the Nazis (who communicated via Eichmann with the Zionists for a significant period of time) - who created, along with the British the mess we see in the Middle East now. The Brits also did not want more Jews in the UK after the mass pogrom emigrations 1870-1914 -and argued that Jews be shifted and "encouraged " to their own "homeland" in the middle of the colonial desert. How convenient it was that Zionism preached a return to the Promised Land for the Brits. Ironic and sad that Israelis celebrate the Balfour Declaration which was in fact an act of political cynicism to get rid of Jews from the UK.
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