There are lot's of reasons why people choose to buy a particular...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    There are lot's of reasons why people choose to buy a particular home. We chose ours on an August day during a torrential rain /thunder storm. High elevation and 12 ft verandahs can cope with most climatic extremes. We felt we were seeing it at it's very worst.

    The verandah railings were painted a vivid red which I wasn'too keen on so, when one of my boys needed extra spending money while at uni I paid him to paint the railings. So yes, they did get painted 3 years in a row. Repainted them myself last year so still in good nick. However, I was up spreading mulch at the top of the drive on the weekend, when a car stopped and an Asian lady got out, introduced herself as the orginal lady who built the house 20 odd years ago. She asked if she could have a look around the place. Not a problem for me so we went. She wasn't that interested too much with inside, but walked around every inch of the property. I left her to it after a bit and went to get a cuppa ready. Was amazed at her comments. She said that the block was chosen for it's feng shui elements, running water, wood, stone and dappled light and the house designed along the same principles. I know I love these elements but wasn't aware of any feng shui relationships. I was aware that our property number, 639 was considered to be fortituous, beacause someone stopped and told me so years ago. She was most distressed that we had painted the railings a different colour as the previous red colour was very important feng shui tool. She asked if we had suffered any health or financial problems since painting them. Not really, I couldn't really blame the GFC on my verandah railings or extended family problems. She suggested hanging mirrors and windchimes in specific places to overcome the colour change but I'm not really a gaudy person and have visions of gaily coloured parasols and buddhas hiding around every corner. Not me. The Tibetan peace flag and accompanying windchime I put up after the Dalai Lama visited the Coast, was a hard enough departure from my comfort zone.

    So it was nice to meet her, but am interested if anyone else is into feng shui and if it has significantly enhanced their lives.
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