LVR leviathan resources limited

ferret's stock to watch: leviathan resources

  1. 4,756 Posts.
    Ferret's Stock to Watch: LEVIATHAN RESOURCES LIMITED
    07:41, Friday, 28 January 2005


    Sydney - Friday - January 28: (RWE)


    Mr Kevin Wilson, managing director of Leviathan Resources says
    the company is determined to forge an identity and destiny as a focused
    Australian gold producer.

    He told shareholders this week in the company's first quarterly
    review of operating activities for the quarter ended December 31, 2004.

    Leviathan Resources was only listed on the Australian Stock
    Exchange on December 21.

    It is the gold business that was de-merged from MPI Mines in late

    MPI Mines was taken over by Lion Ore Mining International in 2004
    and is no longer listed on the ASX.

    Mr Wilson says Leviathan has an experienced board and management
    team, established mining operations and prospective exploration

    "This in our view are 'the right resources' for success, the
    managing director declares.

    The December quarter saw the culmination of a number of months
    work with the listing of Leviathan on the Australian Stock Exchange on
    December 21.

    "The listing followed our de-merger from MPI Mines and an Initial
    Public Offer (IPO) which raised $30 million.

    The IPO was heavily oversubscribed, which was an encouraging sign
    of investor confidence in Leviathan's potential.

    "I also report that our operations continued their focus on safe
    and efficient production and both the Stawell Gold Mine and CGJV recorded
    good operating performance.

    "The turnaround plan at Stawell continues.

    "In 2005 we are expecting gold production of 125,000 ounces, Mr
    Wilson declared.

    This included an updated reserve/resource statement for Stawell
    Gold Mine in this review.

    Resource definition drill results continue to be positive and the
    ore reserve has increased by 24% to 304,000 ounces as at December 2004,
    after allowing for mining depletion of 70,000 ounces over the six month
    period since June 2004.

    The ore reserve grade has increased from 5.5 to 6.1g Au/t. By
    December 2005 and the company was targeting an ore reserve at Stawell to
    450,000 ounces.

    The Golden Gift was established as the primary ore source during
    the quarter with 80% of gold production coming from this area.
    The remainder of the feed was Magdala ore, sourced mainly from lower
    grade remnants in the upper levels of the mine.

    As expected, mining from Golden Gift delivered strong grade and
    better recovery, with both at record levels for

    This enabled a record quarterly gold production despite the mill
    operating at slightly below capacity.

    Capital development to access Golden Gift lodes and to complete
    the new 728mRL Ventilation Decline continued during the quarter.

    Fans were installed to increase the ventilation airflow, making
    use of existing shafts to surface.

    These projects are expected to reduce production volatility by
    allowing additional mining fronts to be developed during 2005.

    A mine control system has been commissioned, allowing enhanced
    management of all underground activities.

    At Coolgardie, plans are in place to work toward closure during
    the second quarter of 2005 when current ore reserves are depleted.
    Leviathan and joint venture partner Herald Resources have offered their
    respective interests in the joint venture for sale.

    Ore production of 350,972 tonnes from both open pit and
    underground sources was 30 per cent higher than the previous


    Shares of Leviathan yesterday traded at $1.13 down 2c.
    Rolling high has been $1.20 and the low 90 cents.

    Leviathan has a policy of hedging up to 50% of ore reserves for a
    period not exceeding three years.

    The spot gold price averaged $574/oz for the quarter, and with
    hedged commitments, gold was delivered at an
    average price of $576/oz.

    At December 31, Leviathan had 95,580 oz of margin free forward
    sales at a net present value of $566/oz and an estimated net realisable
    price of $589/oz.

    All gold production during the quarter was delivered into
    existing hedges or sold at spot prices.

    The gold price at December 31, was A$561/oz and the markto-
    market value of Leviathan’s gold hedge book was positive A$0.8 million.


    Leviathan Resources is an Australian gold mining and exploration
    company, formed through the de-merger of MPI Mines' gold business in
    October 2004.

    The company's main asset is the Stawell Gold Mine, which has been
    operating continuously for over 20 years.

    Leviathan also holds exploration tenements running northwest and
    south of Stawell, known as the Stawell Corridor, and a 50 per cent
    interest in the Coolgardie Gold joint Venture.

    It owns and operates the Stawell Gold Mine, located 2km from the
    Stawell township, which is about 250km west of Melbourne, Victoria.

    At June 2004 the Stawell Gold Mine had a mineral resource of 1.16
    million ounces and an ore reserve of 246,000 ounces gold.

    In April 2004 the company committed to a mine plan based on
    increasing production from 100,000 ounces to a sustainable 130,000 ounces
    gold per annum by 2006, with mining transitioning from the Magdala
    orebody to the higher grade Golden Gift orebody.

    Resource definition drilling of Golden Gift will be an initial
    focus and, based on the history of conversion of resource to ore reserve,
    is expected to increase Stawell's reserves to 450,000 ounces by December

    Exploration success in the prospective Golden Gift South target
    area and in the Stawell Corridor is expected to further enhance the
    resource base.


    Gold was discovered at Stawell in 1853, and production from
    alluvial sources and high-grade quartz reefs totalled an estimated 2.67
    million ounces (including 0.77 million ounces alluvial) in the 73 years
    until the last historic mine closed in 1926.

    Mining recommenced in 1982 when the Stawell Gold Mine was
    reopened and mining of the Wonga open cut commenced.

    In the subsequent nine years the mine produced 336,000 ounces of

    Total historical production, together with the estimated ore
    reserve and mineral resource at June 2004, gives the gold deposits at
    Stawell a total endowment of over 5 million ounces gold.

    The Stawell Gold Mine occurs within a major northwest trending
    structural corridor along the western margin of the Lachlan Fold Belt

    The gold orebodies at Stawell are associated with the Magdala
    Dome comprising a doubly plunging 1km wide unit of basalt enveloped by
    sulphide and iron enriched sedimentary rocks (termed volcanogenics) that
    host the majority of the ore-grade mineralization.

    Ore formation was associated with hydrothermal fluid flow along
    major reverse faults mostly localised on the western flank of the Magdala



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