filthy tactics by alp and unions, page-24

  1. 10,778 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 83
    Gillards Office/Staffers are guilty of attempting to incite racial riots/hatred, imho ofcourse.

    Gillards Office seem to know all the right people to call when you want to 'rent a riot'!

    Is this how our PM operates?

    Seems so. She controls her Office doesn't she? Please tell me she is in control cause I'd hate to think our PM is not able to manage her staff.

    Much much more to this story than the sole sacrificial lamb.

    Why does the PM's Office have a 'go to' person in Canberra for the purposes of staging protests ala. racial ones? Why does the PM claim to not know this person when she sat next to her at a leftie benefit and was photographed in animated discussion with her?

    How come our PM can quickly arrange a racial riot for the purposes of harming the Leader of the Oppostion?

    The Left are all in a lather and sounding quite culpable. Their one saving grace is to assert that Ray Hadley should disclose his source in relation to his highly accurate summation of events! Funny about that, cause I thought the Lefties loved a journalist willing to protect their sources.....hmmm.

    Hadley will play the game and protect his sources. All Lefties here should applaud that, or are they really only cheering for molly dookers rather than journalistic integrity......

    Hadley is A no. One for a good reason. He gets the truth and has proven once again his ability to source the real story rather than the one ye ole' Gillard and her crew wanted you to see.

    Hadley has the right to protect his sources just like all those Leftie Heroes who did the same. Lol, Watergate journalists got a Pullizer and never named their source. Lefties loved it cause they hated, hypocryts.

    Poor Gillard/Labor Lefties are so incompetant they now claim Hadley should reveal his

    Lefties should love a journo who protects his source and publishes the truth despite the threats.

    Hadley was way ahead of this story and he has proven once more his deserved crown as Australia's premier oracle of truth and moral fibre.

    Hadley is making you look stupid for a good reason. It's cause you least on the evidence thus far.
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