Finally, a Smart Gang Rapist

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    Gang rapist: I may kill myself
    By Eamonn Duff and Candace Sutton
    September 8 2002
    The Sun-Herald

    The Sydney rapist next in line to be sentenced and publicly named will commit suicide if he is committed to spending most of his life behind bars.

    "I will kill myself," the teenager told The Sun-Herald on the telephone from the juvenile detention centre where he has been held since his arrest 18 months ago.

    "I'll go crazy, you don't understand," he said in a flat, slightly nasal tone, almost devoid of emotion. "I am 19, if I got 30 or 35 years on the top, I would be almost 60 when I got out. What's the use of that? What kind of life is that?"

    In an exclusive interview, the convicted teenager known as X1 said he would rather cut short his life than end up a madman in jail.

    In a voice perhaps deadened by the tranquillisers he admitted he was taking to cope with his confinement, X1 confirmed he had seriously considered suicide, to the extent that he decided his own family would be better off if he died.

    Asked how his mother would greet the news, he said: "I think she knows. Maybe it would be best for them ... instead of just dragging it on and making it worse, I'd be putting them out of their misery."

    X1's interview on Thursday was the first time any of the convicted Lebanese gang rapists had spoken publicly. He spoke on the eve of what was due to be his sentencing day, but he was spared the humiliation of being identified by Judge Michael Finnane, because there was no time left to deal with his case.

    In the NSW District Court on Friday, Judge Finnane sentenced and named three other members of the Sydney rape gang that terrorised girls in south-west Sydney in the weeks leading up to the 2000 Olympics. The gang ringleader was also named on Friday as Bilal Skaf, who received 55 years' jail last month.

    X1's best friend, Tayyab Sheikh, also spoke to The Sun-Herald hours before Judge Finnane passed sentence on him.

    "I'm expecting 20 years and I don't know how I'm going to cope with that," Sheikh said. "Because I am a young man of Middle Eastern appearance, this is what I can expect. What about all those priests who molest children? They're still out there."

    A short time later, Sheikh received a 15-year maximum sentence, with a non-parole period of nine years.

    X1's fate will be sealed when he reappears next month.

    He said he feared as much for his family's safety as he did for his pending sentence.

    His fears are not without reason. When another of the convicted rapists, Belal Hajeid, was named in July, his family were hounded out of their home by "friends, neighbours and strangers".

    They eventually had to flee to a secret location, where they remain in hiding.

    "It scares me," X1 said. "The thought of what might happen to my family if my name gets out. They have to be protected. You have to tell everyone my family has done nothing. They are very good people and don't deserve anything bad happening to them."

    X1's mother arranged the interview with her son and, during the conversation, she picked up a second phone for a short period to hear her son's voice - and heard a stream of swear words.

    "Stop using that 'f' word," she admonished. "Stop swearing!"

    "Mum," he replied. "I'm swearing because I'm stressing out."

    X1's mother said: "I didn't teach him to be that way." She said she

    had encouraged him to integrate and become part of the Australian culture.

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