Finally an admission, page-2

  1. 48,982 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    you're fighting a losing battle alonso.....

    despite the denial of small pockets of resistance, the observations of actual data, the analyses of satellite, ice core and geological information providing evidence going back over many millions of years, provide the records you want to see.

    so you'll have to read a lot of science in order to understand this science. I've been reading this for nearly 40 years now and I still don't have all the data. neither do I now have any interest in digging up more data as I've come to understand enough that I can trust the actual science and scientists.

    then just look at th increasing extremes of weather events, the records are only the tip of the rapidly diminishing ice sheets and bergs. soon it will be the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers as well and then we'll be in deep shyte.
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