@Scott th Ratbag - thanks Scotty - you are a good sort - most...

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    @Scott th Ratbag - thanks Scotty - you are a good sort - most people are, but it is difficult to change one's way of thinking, life style, even more so, if one hasn't been much exposed to the rest of the world, one's own country even.

    I know people here (even posting on this very forum) who have never been outside their own state.

    I have friends overseas who started life as revolutionaries and are now arch-conservative, under the impact of ceaseless migration from strange cultures. At times, I catch myself thinking 'evil' thoughts, like: "in Europe they need to bring back border controls" (because they are overrun with too many unemployable people who all have to rely on the existing social system for housing, food - and often are not allowed to work for three years - then the problem that most of the new kind of people are male, which the local men see as a threat, but won't admit, of course).

    History is my refuge; namely that change has always happened in human history and it was never sought, never wanted, except in cases of utter desperation (French, Russian Revolution comes to mind).

    My daughter, who spent her life over in England,had a successful career - but still relied on the National Health for her cancer treatment, which system eventually failed her, because there is too much demand, not enough resources - now spread over an ever expanding patient base, which includes all the newcomers, most of whom never had any health cover, nor treatment whatsoever. I believe had she been here, she would be alright, but since she spent her life over in England, they, because of the cost involved, were a year late giving her a treatment which could have saved her life. I never asked my s.i.law the question "why on earth didn't they have private health insurance?" - and I never will ask that, he's gone through much. I am sure, I am not alone in my conclusion.

    This story you can extend to all European countries which have a modern health and welfare system. It will break.
    So, I am not optimistic as to the outcome, but as in all nature, the brave, healthy, hard-working and young will survive - and may be this is as it should be.
    Take care

    I no longer dwell on this
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