Finally. Pelosi agrees to protect the border...AT ALL COSTS! Thank god! I thought all hope was gone!, page-14

  1. 16,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    As a strategic issue...China is a FARRRRRRRRRR greater issue to the US. Not even close

    As an issue of strategic importance ..this Russia/Ukraine issue is infinitely more of an issue to the EU than the US

    And yet the EU is not in unison on this and Germany, the largest, is not even in the mix as far as I can see

    So tell me ..on what planet should the US be the tip of the spear?

    So why are they posturing so hard?

    For mine...two reasons
    1. Its a pivot AWAY from China so that the money flow that pays the way for sooooooooo much of Washington that comes from the Far East.. can be protected by having us all look at that shiny object..."over there".
    2. The arms industry lobbyist are pulling their usual strings and the hawks, on both sides who've gotten rich from this, are in lockstep

    Fools errand
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