Here we go folks - any minute now -Bob Brown (he of the "Far too...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Here we go folks - any minute now -

    Bob Brown (he of the "Far too over-represented in the Senate compared to the lousy number of actual votes per population they get in elections "Tassie Greens Party") - is now crowing about whose freedom of speech wings are about to be "Government Regulated" - (nice speak for he and Gillard and Co. now choosing who they can tell to shut up, being able to actually shut them up, and our consequential loss of OUR democratic rights to read and utter free speech opinion! The dicatorship has commenced! This is dangerous - and pernicious in the extreme. We need to be alerted by this and protest!

    Brown and Labor beside themselves trying to stop the free flow of opinion (more especially any opinion they don't like against or detrimental to their heavy far far left Wing agendas!)

    Long having burnt the midnight oil, and thrashed around trying to find reasons and the means to shut-up Right Wing and Murdoch opinion, and the people's rights to freedom of speech in general, these political Mafia, in their Power frenzy, never utter a peep, even the teeniest, about the greatest, hugest, most biased Left Wing publicity factory of all - the ABC! Oh - that's different. Because it suits us - all these simpering sycophants who only write nice things! (Note even Chris Uhlmann's gone quiet since his hart hitting interview with Bruce Hawker on 7.30 - been told to tone it down perhaps by hard to the Left political editor Heather Hewitt??)

    Oh, no - (they (Brown and Labor smirk) - THEY are not "shock jocks" - oh no - they and their rusted on suporters whine over their incessant inner suburban chardys - the ABC all "serious", "objective" "responsible" journalists - they must be, as they're ABC. And some even wear horn-rims!

    Add to that the true shock jocks - mature people, one eyed Left from birth, who for years have lived off the lucrative proceeds to be had in praising the Labor Party, ad nauseum and and infinitum. Especially anything connected with Arts and literature - if you're Left - you're right! It's an absolute mutual admiration society CLUB - and you MUST belong to it if you're a would be who could be - or a STAR!!! No boring conservativism - it's not COOL - or TRENDY.

    So here we go - the first axe blow putting a huge chink into our democractic rights - and it'll only get worse from here on in! China, Burma, Nth. Korea, Cuba - Philippines and Indonesia also - heavy media censorship. Have read many a newspaper in Indonesia over the years in hotels with lots of holes cut in them from forbidden articles.

    Read the outrageous impact to come here for yourselves!

    Now doesn't this make you want to vomit - or run screaming into the streets in protest. Little Moscow - at a corner near you! The Coms are coming - led by Dictators - pure and simple. The Labor Party and Bob Brown dictate!

    I refer to the Mafia above - and ask also:-

    What HONOR is to be found in a political party (any political party), comprising a solid block entity such as the Mafia, smug in their loyalties and allegiances to each other, the so-called code of honor - stick together at all costs stuff -

    such a traitorous breed, this Mafia clique - out to protect and preserve their own territory, even killing their own if necessary in regimes of murder, torture. fear and intimidation!

    The Labor Party are now a Mafia I allege. Others too. Because they exist thanks solely to policy and power and
    rulers" peddling hatreds and spruiking part dogma based on lies.

    Knowing in the hearts and minds that they themselves are each, allegedly, rotten and corrupt, and thriving on deception and crime - yet getting together and somehow telling themselves they are men (and women) of honor - sometimes over blood oaths and national "patriotic" ties.

    Why is this what I allege?

    Because it can be seen this rotten to the core Labor Party knows the exact basis is survives on. An alleged and major lie of evil proportions. Every Labor MP (and their Green allegedly pseudo "Independent" adherent supporters, KNOWS - SEES - AND STUDIOUSLY IGNORES - the fact that their whole structure of a life raft is based not one one lie, but many.

    The worst one of which, arguably, is that they all know darn well that one of their band, the HONORABLE Mr. Craig Thomson, MP, has for years now been facing serious allegations of fraud and misappropriation of his former Union's funds, yet is somehow remaining in Parliament, thereby holding up all their jobs and the whole Party in being allowed to stay there, courtesy of what most now regard, and openly allege, to be one of the worst political scams and stunts and cover ups in Australian political history - that being this now ludicrous shameful "hold-up" of the ongoing almost four-years ludicrously snail paced and stalled "investigation" of the matter by a Government installed body - "Fair Work." Suss? You bet!

    Fair for whom, exactly? Thomson hiding like a coward behind the Gillard skirts. No rush or dignity in demanding his case be heard promptly, for the sake of his own personal honor, his young family's honor and pride, and surely his own anxiety to clear his alleged innocent name? And perhaps then following up if proved innocent with a defamation lawsuit on his own behalf? An ambulance chaser's special?
    Finding the real cuplrit - if he;s innocent as alleged, seems to be right off the agenda. Who impersonated him? Mickey Mouse?

    No, the Labor Party, the Greens, the Independents, each and EVERY Miniser, Senatory and rank and file MP, EVERY empty headed time filler who is seen behind Gillard nodding each day and mouthing "shame" incessantly at the Opposition - KNOWS full well the whole truths of the matter - the allegations - yet they shut up. NOT ONE of them has the guts to stand up and ask for the truth t be address once and for all! If Thomson were Liberal's man they'd all be baying, moment to moment, for his blood.

    The once great Labor Party - now reduced to a pack of schemers, hacks, liars or avoiders of real truths,and now, allegedly, connivors in a dleiberate obfuscation of the real truth, knowing this of themselves, still preening and fluffing egos, supporting a Prime Minister who, it seems, will stop at nothing to keep herself and all of them in power, at all and any costs.

    Principles - morals - ethic - high standards - poufffff!
    POWER - success - riches - cushy jobs - lifetime pensions and perks - that's what all this is about. Turth - what's that? "I must survive at all costs" is the new Labor motto.
    And I'll do what it takes to do so!

    Plus a certain few, actual closet Communists, I allege, who have very sinister and hidden agendas and motives, are rubbing their hands with glee. For nothing will make them happier than to see the downfall of this once great country.

    Just like the Mafia - all front and surface, - so called "famiglia - and "honor" and "brotherhood" and the relative closed mouths - but underneath, the rotten, despicable, gangrenous, murderous, Machiavellian, evil tentacles of plots and lies. Truth always the fisrt victim.
    And somehow, such people almost see themselves as "glamorous" - or "heroes".

    So look out - a newspaper near you could go out of business.
    Brown/Gillard now dictating, via this report ehy've salivated for for ages - now comes down in their favor 9suprise suprise) - what the free press media now can and can't say. And relatively (and more important) what you and I can and can't say.

    Thanks Finkelstein, for this "Independent" report. Commissioned by Labor and Greens, I think you've given them exactly what they wanted!

    If you, each of you reading this report above, personally, are not outraged, and moreso, deeply disturbed, at this soon to exist move to curb free speech - then there's no hope for the survival of this country's citizen's democratic freedoms as we've always known them.

    The poison of the Gillard/Brown ideological spite strikes, takes hold - and kills us all.

    Evil regimes - and they attract evil adherents - by the truckload. All on their own gravy trains. And the rest of us - some still with at least some standards, principles and ans scruples - can go to hell.

    The Labor Party - the ticket to how to "make it" in life, whatever it takes.

    Gutted and disgusted!
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