finkelstein's gag on speech freedoms , page-54

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yep - as usual - the Labor version of moral outrage is always entirely subjective Grafton48 - and you're entirely right here - the Australia Day outrage now shoved under the carpet like yesterday's cake crumbs -

    as is the whole inglorious history of outrageous stuff-ups, skewed policies, billions of dollars down the drain stuff, political recklessness either bordering or being outright acts of criminality - outrages perpetrated on the long suffering public - who now, Finkelstein says, need shutting up!

    IF any of these shoddy, tawrdy, murky, filthy, rotten, dirty, back room planned travesties of justice and/or government actions had emanated out of the Liberal/Nation Party room, there'd be hell to pay!

    A monumental wall of left-wing screaming - Get Ups parading down the street in get-ups - there'd be no end to the journos of the red flag writing the most vicious, self-righteous attacks on the Right! SOmething like "Our Julia would never do that!".

    Abbott would be portrayed as at least Satan - and the rest of the conservatives constantly jeered at, derided, and hounded by the Marxist faithfuls.

    No- what do we hear instaed?

    Gillard et al telling Finkelstein to tell us we have to shut up, or be fined or gaoled - without ANY explanation from him and his so-called "Independent" report hit squad - and with absolutely NO right of appeal.

    Gillard is very fond of these pseudo "independents" -

    "Fair Work", the "Finkelstein Report", "Rob Oakeshott", "
    Tony Windsor", "Andrew Wilkie" - and now (drum roll) "Peter Slipper".

    The conductor of a symphony orchestra is in that exalted position because he/she not only interprets a work, but as to know exactly every single note each player on each and every instrument has to play - and can pick up a wrong one! He/she has a whole score to oversee - a mammoth task!

    Julia is a "pretender" conductor - she doesn't know the score, and only hears the notes she wants to hear. If the whole thing's out of tune, she doesn't care. She'll still go on stage and accept all the boquets.

    We, the plebs out here, actually DO know the score a lot better than she does - and we know a false note when we hear one/see one.

    Gillard hopes we are of the ignorant variety of audience. She waves her baton frantically, but something is badly amiss with the performance. She knows she's not up to it - but the orchestra squeals along under her command regardless.
    Lots of out of tune players!

    We now complain loudly - we want our money back - bring on a good orchestra please (new election) - she now tries to silence us via this repressive, illegal, undemocratic Finkelstein report.

    I hear the distant sounds of a dictatorship brewing in her opening notes. Pianissimo at first - but now working up to what will be a crescendo when OUR democratic rights are trashed by her and her cohorts.

    She never, ever, deserved the baton. Hasn't the required skills, depth of knowledge, and intellect, to conduct the Australian Symphony.

    Warning - watch out. If she can trash this country - she will. Why - only she knows!

    And it'll be too late if we do and say nothing. Us saying nothing is now her main aim! Whatever it takes - she'll silence us! Thanks Your ex Honor Finkelstein!

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