Oh here we go.All the armchair experts and conspiracy theorists...

  1. 150 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Oh here we go.All the armchair experts and conspiracy theorists trying to normalize these off the scale fire conditions.
    These mega fires are burning in landscapes that have never burned.They are burning around the globe in Alaska ,Siberia,Portugal, the Arctic,France,Greece,Indonesia,the Amazon.They are burning in rain-forests including the ancient Gondwanna forests in Australia that have never burned.They are burning before summer has even started.They are burning with an intensity and behavior which the experts that actually study fires have never experienced.They are talking of new fire paradigms.
    The fundamental truths is that the Carbon Cycle is on Steroids.Plants become more flammable because rising CO2 induces plants to increase carbohydrate which turbocharges flammability.Couple this with increased drying and decreased relative humidity and you have the proscriptions for intense wildfire.
    That is the link between these fires and climate change and smart informed people have every right to be alarmed.
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