when looking at all those lovley pages that dgruzing refers to,...

  1. 29,756 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    when looking at all those lovley pages that dgruzing refers to, then might i suggest using linux. i use puppy linux - a small, fast operating system - and there is no need to worry about all those things that upset the system. a reinstall, only takes minutes - and sure beats windows

    on the topic of windows, a friend was showing me something that he had - it was called "tiny windowsxp" beast edition - or something like that. it was a fraction of the size of windows, as it had all the rubbish stripped out

    watso just did a search - and for those interested

    TinyXP - Run XP from 400MB HDD and under 40MB RAM | SecGurunew windowpreviewpreviewshow in clusters
    There is a great version of tinyxp called tinyxp beast edition that removes outlook and ie from the instalation. Check it out here: Pirate Bay - Tiny XP Beast Edition

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