First model 3 Teslas delivered, page-22

  1. 30,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    No, EV uptake is all to do with batteries. Range, charging time, no. of cycles, weight ..... and there are a dozen types out there being researched which would make Li look like a lead acid by comparison - if they can get them to work! Work safely, that is. After all, the bigger the range, the more energy stored. If it all discharges at once (think supercapacitor) it'll make a mess.

    NiCad used to be the bees knees, but you don't find many in trade or domestic situations anymore. Li could be king for decades, and even the lead acid isn't dead after 200 years, but imo you're wise to keep your eye out for advances.
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