First property - investment property or home?, page-9

  1. 1,218 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    I'm contemplating selling mine in this market. The equity in it would close out the mortgage where I live. I've had 2 shit tenants, a shit property manager, sacat are useless, the insurance have messed me about for nearly a year.

    in answer to the original poster, depends on whether you're more interested in the endgame I guess.
    an apartment closer to the city might be good for rental income but has the strata issues associated with.

    property further out ie house and land will probably increase more in capital value down the track as the value is largely tied to the land. More chance of feral tenants further out too, but can have someone else paying off your mortgage if you can get decent tenants and still have a good capital gain when you choose to sell.
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