fiscal irresponsibilty by the states, page-11

  1. 2,753 Posts.
    There's a nuanced article here which highlights some of Qld's particular problems. Note carefully the decrease in fed cap spending.

    "In Queensland, the infrastructure crisis is particularly serious. Queensland’s population is growing faster than most other states, with big growth in its already populous south-eastern corner. Although Queensland has historically provided more money for infrastructure than the other states, funding has not kept up with the needs of the State’s above average growth. As a proportion of Gross State Product, Queensland capital spending is now in decline; from 5.4 per cent in 1999–2000 to 4.2 per cent in 2002–03 (Allen Consulting 2003). "

    Admittedly, the state government is not lily white either, yet let's face it, provide the infrastructure and even more people will flood up here, even more irreplaceable treasure will be dug up and squandered, even more productive land will be cut up into sterile suburbs, so don't mistake me for someone who cares about expanding our existing facilities. ;))

    In fact, ironically, maybe if our health services are degraded some more, it will discourage the preponderance of oldies from moving here from down south and we will be able to spend more on infrastructure to root out more treasure ;) . It is old people who put the most strain on health systems. I recall that the cost of medical treatment in the last week of one's life is as much as the rest of one's life put together.

    Naturally when these incomers cark it, their loot goes back down south to their kids.
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