Fisher too close to call, page-10

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    They could not build a canoe---the statement--no matter was everyone think is correct- even when they build the Subs--the only system the they forgot to install was a 1000 decimal head set--as the Subs where that nosy--Collins Subs where as noisy as hell,--3--4 years over run---billions over the original quoted price.---6 Subs from memory---4 yr over run--12 Subs---8 yr over--run. It`s embarrassing to call worker`s incompetent---we should encourage,nurturer---telling them their doing fine on salaries over 100,000+--one would think responsible--would be in the job resume--well--it is not. The Subs---would be a UNIONIZE CONTRACT---which automatically throws the contract out --with a guaranteed minimum --6-10 yr in over-runs---with many stoppages to SAFETY---followed by Billions in costs blows outs--the ALP may asks what cost are---as their policies are never cost--ed ! Do we build any air-craft in Australia---NO----what`s the problem not building the Subs--except--Billions in budget blow-outs---years in over-runs. Maybe the Sub building could point to previous contract---to completely seal the deal --to have the built oversee`s. That`s why all the auto industry was shut down---they over-priced themselves out of jobs----private industries cannot afford to subsidize failed prompt up business anymore.To bad we cannot outsource--our jobs for politicians--we can the Fee=-----5 million + Australian citizenship---would said Govt could not be bought---certainly not Clive .
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