Flat Earth Fallout: Legal Court Proof , No Curvature = No Globe, page-643

  1. 15,824 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 458
    Toastman I am guessing your idea of what a space ship should look like has been shaped by sci fi movies. The fact that you think the lunar lander looks like a pile of junk serves as proof that you don't have a very deep understanding of science.

    If you are going to go to the trouble of faking the entire Apollo space program, don't you think you would at least use props that met the expectations of people like yourself, so as not to draw undue attention? I mean they put alot of effort into making those rockets spectacularly and unnecessarily huge, given they only needed to fly a few km up.

    All they had to do was make a nice sturdy solid looking lunar module like something out of 2001 A Space Odyssey, and nobody would ever have known the difference.

    And yet, bizarrely, they chose to use a prop that looks like a pile of junk, but which, by coincidence, also happens to meet all the physical and engineering criteria required to actually land on the moon and leave again, if that happens to be your objective.

    Odd strategy. Unless of course maybe they DID land on the moon....

    Slightly off topic, try showing kids pictures of the first mobile phone and they'll laugh at you like its a joke.

    Better yet, show them an encyclopaedia and tell them that was what we used to do google searches on.

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