Your speak of people making things up is deliciously ironic.Just...

  1. 15,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 468
    Your speak of people making things up is deliciously ironic.

    Just so you don't get too fixated on the gas movements, can I remind you that it actually moves non uniformly at different speeds and I different directions.

    On planet earth we have a name for this, it is called wind. Humans understand how wind is caused, they don't pretend it is god's breath, they recognise that it can only exist in a pressure differential environment such as the one created by a rotating body being warmed on one side only while the atmosphere travels with different momentum in different locations.

    I can't wait to hear the flat earth explanation for the Coriolis effect or the jet streams, let alone the southern polar vortex.
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