Flee from idolatry, page-234

  1. 23,846 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "Abraham saw Me and rejoiced."

    Now come on mate, you endeavor to give the impression that your more up to speed than many on many areas and yet fail on a Simple one like this.
    LOOK up this verse on Bible Hub Interlinear, click the number for definitions of some words and where "saw" is = perceived.
    Effectively given a vision, or whatever.
    A bit like John in Rev -> I was in the Spirit on the Lords day etc and saw................

    "Yehowah is the Christ."

    That's NOT Biblical, Yehowshuwa is the Messiah and NOT Yehowah.

    Before Abraham I am as in the likes of Rev 13:8, Eph 3:9, mystery plan hid IN God, all this before Abraham.
    These plans are also known as the firstborn of creation, the beginning of the creation of God Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, all your creations begin IN you.

    This part of the plan is incorporated in John 1:1,2, as in part b of 1:1 and "This;" in the start of 1:2 as well as a plan for us, man and Gens creation.
    And the Word creation became = 1:3

    1:14 And Word/Human to become and encamp in I = God/Father.
    Son, is NOT even literally in the picture in this verse, we have all been conned, had, BIG time.
    Word/Jesus only comes into John when he meets John the Baptist Mal 3:1, pretty much on his way to the Temple = 2 fold, the literal Temple and Father the Temple -> I am in the Father.
    And as you know, Jesus refers to himself as a Temple as well -> and the Father is in me.

    1:1........................God I AM WORD = Door -> House/Kingdom/Temple -> Head = God.

    Lets make man in our image = Word,................Image -> as above.
    We are -> Words of God and Alpha Omega's = A to Z.
    Your an Alpha to Omega's to form words = your spirit, so you can put your spirit out there.
    You have wings like an eagle -> net, riding the beast 666, image of man 6 lol.
    Man = 6 human laptop/computer.

    God IS Spirit -> If your of God, you have seen and heard God = seen and heard words = Spirit of Him John 6:63, Fathers words.

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