Flee from idolatry, page-275

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    Greetings wotsup. I hope you are enjoying our exchange as a bit of a holiday from the usual band of knockers .. which has become so repetitive and boring to me.

    On with the show and I'll attempt to broaden your knowledge of translating including that breaking down a coherent narrative into individual words is the worst possible method of understanding the intent of an author.

    "Would you say the Greeks know the definition of their words = YES they most certainly would."
    Yes I would expect that but only applied to the Greek as used in the days when the original OT was translated into the Greek of that time. Not another language such as English.

    Do you know there are at least 8 different words for "love" in Greek. So when translating into English how would you specify which particular version of love was intended. Word for word without context and expansion would not convey the proper meaning.

    When you extract English words from the interlinear or strong's etc you are using a translation of words. It does not include any grammatical definitions popular expressions, not even capitalisation and some cases not even spaces. Occasionally an example of context will be given but that is only a guide NOT a definition.

    The translated versions you produce are not the original Greek nor are they English but a dog's breakfast hybrid wotsupian new language. You may know what you are saying but only because you cooked the breakfast. Others just turn away in confusion.

    As mentioned, you place far too much emphasis on individual words and therefore often miss the actual intent of all those words together.

    A good example is your stubborn refusial to see that the opening sentence of Gen Ch 16 is obviously just setting the scene that once again Yehowah appeared to Abraham.
    That's it.

    Akg and I'm sure most others will see it the same way.
    What are the chances that both akg and copperbod would get that wrong ... ZERO= zilch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drrrr.

    Then the narrative continues with the details and purpose of this particular appearance where Yehowah chooses to appear as a "man" together with a couple of angel-helpers who will be shortly be sent to Sodom.

    BTW Yehowah is quite able to appear as a talking turtle if that was appropriate. The turtle is not in any way the real Yehowah but an "appearance" for communication with a human or in one famous case, a hare.

    Likewise with v3 and 4, there is no break in narrative as Abraham first as you would expect, acknowledges his Lord Yehowah then includes the other 2 "men" for refreshments etc.

    Yehowah, Abe and the other 2 are under the trees when Yehowah addresses Sarah who is at the entrance. Are you suggesting Yehowah could not make himself heard if he was under the trees ?

    "Goodness me Coppo, what happen to you while you were away???"

    Haven't been away just silent and recovering from the dismay at seeing how HC P&R has succumbed to the divisiveness and disrespect so prevalent on other HC forums and much other "social" media.

    Having said that I think what happened is that wotsup has become certain he is now guided and taught by God and Jesus ... even regarding translations !
    Such a view is not much different from the Christian claims that their founder is actually God and there is no other way to God except through Jesus. The fruits of such beliefs are there to see over centuries and prove they both became evil self serving lies.

    Regarding the John prologue please present your translation in English and don't expect others to have to swallow a dog's breakfast.

    Is the main contention that Christians claim the "word" John mentions is actually Jesus rather than the standard Word as the creative motive force of the Creator God as detailed in Genesis ?

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