So what your in effect saying is, I am a liar. I pretty much...

  1. 5,689 Posts.
    So what your in effect saying is, I am a liar.
    I pretty much told you why I wasn't going to bother anymore, I made this decision some weeks back, so I was giving you a heads up, respectful thing to do as you appeared to want to help, re the Greek, but I am done, I do not care anymore, 7 odd years is more than my share, so to speak.

    What we are saying is that you are illiterate in much of what Christianity is all about then reading the bible, understanding its principle as you see fit according to wotsup’s mindset and imagination, adopting it and hijacking as the only righteous Christianity and squatting in as if you are the god give true truth / church, you been continually told that you are wrong and nobody in history or even today or in the future will see it as you do, even warping history and bible to suit your agenda

    You said that you were leaving months ago, why are you still here.

    You are the one who has kept this charade with the Trinity for 7+ odd years or so, it’s not only eaten true your mind body and soul, but have also harassed all on here for that time, you have been unloading yourself on here on all who have had the misfortune in responding to you, I myself have been patient with you so have many on here, its you and your understanding that is the problem, I’ve tried to give you hints in regarding to examine yourself first maybe that you would realise where the problem is

    You need to look at yourself, the way you do thing and interpret scripture, we all have to clean out our own house first, as I can assure you the way you carry on on here it’s not of God

    You also need to brush up on the bible itself, as it did not drop from the sky, it was written by ordinary humas under inspiration, an inspiration that does not follow from the religious enthusiasm or mindset of or produced by the reader, each book was written by the writer to address a specific reason of that time, it was not written to address and specifically the person personality who is reading it today as if he or she are doing today
    God will never use words like this “so suck it up.” As you do, but satan does

    We see that in John is specifically addressing the Greeks on God, The Word, and Logos, one must be in tune what the situation was along the literal style and psychology, the whole fact that the affirmation of the sacred writer intendent, many do not have that mindset, neither do you as we are far removed from and communication and meaning fashioned by the culture of the time.

    Furthermore, due to your obsession with the nature of Christ and the Trinity, you have moved away from the real message of Christ, Christ message is that we must place our trust in His death and resurrection for our shorth comings that is sin, you have not, but only focused on Christ nature

    You never mention any of this this , it will kill you, as this is our salvation

    You need to drop the trinity and concentrate or become obsesses on this as you have done with the Trinity, this is our and your only hope of salvation

    The FACT remains, whoever the Word is in 1:1, they are being referenced as WORD, word is personified and interchanged with God, it's owner all the way through the opener, him speaking, so suck it up.
    Goodness me, Jesus is referred to as a Word of God = you cannot get it any simpler than that, and not to mention Jesus being the Express Image of God's PERSON = WORD -> The Word, due to him expressing out the word of God.

    Nobody is denying that the “Word” is God, its only in your perception and mind that seems to have come up with this notion to justify your perception and imagination

    Goodness me, Jesus is referred to as a Word of God with your “a” you have definitely created a Jesus, or put down as being created, that means that God is in partnership with a created being, making it 2, that goes against scripture as God being one, a created being is always created by nature and cannot change, its that simple and cannot save, so his death and resurrection is null and void so is your salvation

    Jesus has to be “the” not an “a”

    Nothing there about the Word become Human = that's a pack of lies.
    1:3 And the Word creation become

    The name Dabar-YHWH: Summary
    Word of YHWH, The Formalization Of Everything
    From (1) the verb דבר (dabar), to pronounce or formalize, and (2) the name YHWH.

    God speaks often to people and in many different ways. The Word of God, however, typically conveys formal messages and mostly to prophets. The Word of God gains a pivotal status in the New Testament when he "becomes flesh" in Jesus Christ, now known by the Greek translation Logos.
    The name Logos: Summary
    Word, Message, Collection Of Statements
    From the verb λεγω (lego), to speak intelligently

    The name Logos in the Bible

    The name Logos (meaning Word) isn't really a name but rather a phenomenon that happens to also be a living Person.
    Together with the important but difficult noun Θεος (Theos) the phrase 'Word of God' is formed. And that is one of the titles of Jesus Christ.
    The Word of God is introduced into the Biblical narrative as early as Genesis 15:1, where he is called
    דבר־יהוה, which is Dabar YHWH. But as an active character, the Word of God obviously appears at the beginning of creation, where God not only "spoke" everything into being, but made creation a manifestation of the Word he contained. In the New Testament these difficult things are explained most clearly by the apostle John, who writes:

    John 1:1-3
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things came into being by him, and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being.
    Paul says it this way:

    Colossians 2:16-17

    For by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth [...]; all things have been created by him and for him, and he is before all things and in him all things hold together.
    Romans 11:36
    For from him and through him and to him are all things.
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