Flu outbreak across America—really?, page-40

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    Well, it's finally here.

    If you've been following my work for a while, you know I've been working on a major multi-part exposé on the influenza vaccine. An entirely reader-funded series, I published the first instalment in February. I've been promising part two since then, and I've finally published it today.

    In part one, I showed how the New York Times deceives readers about the safety and effectiveness of the influenza vaccine by grossly misrepresenting its own sources from the medical literature. In fact, while the Times characterizes one source as though vindicating CDC policy, it actually went so far in its criticism of the CDC as to accuse the agency of deliberately misrepresenting the science to support its policy.

    In part two, you'll learn much more about how the CDC deceives the public:

    How the CDC Uses Fear and Deception to Sell More Flu Vaccines

    You'll learn:

    • How the CDC views it as a "problem" that more and more people are becoming health literate
    • How the CDC's estimates of influenza hospitalizations and deaths may be greatly overestimated
    • How the CDC's claims that the vaccine confers a huge reduction in mortality among the elderly have been thoroughly discredited by the scientific community
    • How the vaccine appears to actually increase transmission of the influenza virus
    • How corruption is endemic at the CDC
    • How public vaccine policy violates the right to informed consent.
    Click here to read part two of this series now.

    Jeremy R. Hammond
    Independent Analyst & Author
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